How to cook a perfect Christmas carp

Poles and other Eastern Europeans cook carp in a number of ways for Christmas.
To serve it cold, it is often poached for about half an hour in a fish and vegetable stock. The stock is then clarified with an egg white, mixed with dissolved gelatine and poured over the cooled fish.
The carp is decorated with carrot slices and hard-boiled eggs and the dish is left to set.
Anna Werner, from south-west Poland, reveal two ways in which she prepares her Christmas carp.
In the first method, the fish is baked whole in stock with mushrooms for about an hour at 180C (356F, gas mark 4).
For the second recipe, the carp is filleted, cut into pieces and cooked with potatoes, onions and fresh parsley, again for an hour at 180C.
Both dishes are served hot on Christmas Eve with salads, and orange juice to drink.